September Observer course

Having had a number of expressions of interest we’re going to run an Observer course with a difference in September. We will be posting course packs to all participants and making the training videos available online for viewing for the duration of the course. The videos will then be supplemented by two workshops recapping the main points of the videos and giving participants the opportunity to ask any questions that may have arisen during the videos. We’re aware it’s extremely difficult to recreate the intimacy of an in-person training course and the ability to ask questions and learn peer to peer but we will organise further virtual dives during the winter to allow people to build up their skills.

All courses videos will be available online from 15 September till 1 October to allow participants to work through course in their own time and supplemented by two online workshops to reinforce the learnings of video and to allow questions and answer sessions.

Dives for the course will take place the weekend of 2 and 3 October 2021 in Galway. These will be shore dives and may be slightly weather dependent, however we are confident we can get students in to see some of the amazing wildlife that Galway has to offer. (Dives are also open to existing Seasearch divers)/

The cost of the course will be €65 or €20 for any existing Observers who wish to undertake a Refresher course and further details can be obtained by emailing

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